
My Projects

GitHub repositories that I've built.

USB Rubber Ducky type scripts written for the DigiSpark.
A DuckyScript language to DigiSpark payload converter based on C++
System Remote Control Discord Bot written in Python discord.py
Python 21 12
Convert DuckyScript (USB Rubber Ducky) to Python Applications :snake:
JavaScript 8 5
📁 Send files from your computer to your Phone through WiFi with a QR code
Python 1 2
A collection of python tools I make for myself (feel free to peek).
Python 1 0
Personal HTML Website Template with a Command Line Interface
JavaScript 1 1
A parallel Vantage Point Tree algorithm implementation in C
Vantage Point Tree implementation in Python 🌳
Python 0 0

My Interests

Topics that I want to learn more about.